
2 Projects
This app is intended to bring the community together through fulfilling the wishes of our homeless community members. Within the app, there are two users: The Santa and The Elf.
  • Built ios and android apps with React Native
  • Used `react-native-push-notification` for push notifications
  • Built backend with ExpressJS and Mongo, providing both API and KeystoneJS CMS
  • Implemented OAuth2 Authentication with OTP logins / password resets
  • Wrote push notification service and cronjob to reduce push noticications and processing

Started: 2019-12-01

Launched/Lasted: 2020-02-01

Industries: Travel

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Neha Kotecha: Product Development. Samanta Amna Khalil: UX Design.

Companies/Brands: Neha Kotecha

Ampp Star

Art, Music, Poetry, & Photography
  • Built React.js application with Keystone.js CMS, MongoDB database and Express server.
  • Connected Express API on Heroku with S3 bucket for user file storage
  • Connected Mailgun and Nodemail services within application and Heroku control panels for automated emails

Started: 2017-09-01

Launched/Lasted: 2018-02-01

Industries: Music, Art

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Jahanzaib Aslam: Front-End, Back-End. Garrett Morris: Front-End, Back-End. Bisera Mandic: Owner

Companies/Brands: Ampp Star