3 Projects
A few very old flash sites and email blasts for friends and the former employer of Ankh

Started: 2004-04-01

Launched/Lasted: 2006-02-01

Industries: Music, Events

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End. Tommy Goodwin: Project Management. Kamel J Bell: Project Management. Thomas Flannery: Project Management

Companies/Brands: Ankh Marketing

An Annual HBCU Reunion Party for West Coast residents

Started: 2005-09-01

Launched/Lasted: 2006-09-01

Industries: Music, Events

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design. Paul Roberson: Business Development. Yellow: Business Development

Companies/Brands: Collectiv LLC

Started: 2005-01-01

Launched/Lasted: 2005-02-01

Industries: Music

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design